Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blanch Dances Way to New Transmission On The Pole Name: Hot Rod

Felix, will you drop Pam, remember our daughter off at work, I mean school tomorrow. Cadi broke down outside of All-Star's last night. Couldn't afford to pay for the fixin' of it today so I'm dancing for the money tonight. Hope I don't get stuck in the upright position where my hip, ankle and heel meet and fold in half. Might have to meet me in Lawrence with that cork screw to get me in that downward dog position you always put me in while we take sauna over the stove when we put our heads in the pans?? I still can't believe I seared your eye brows off while lighting the burner last time. I already said I'm but I still feel hoe-ish for my careless error. I only meant to singe them. Love the smell of burned hair and those dog tempura sushi rolls we had at Kona last night.

XX, The Blanch (XXX tonight ;)

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